TeamHaven Supports FMBE’s Frank’s Big Tour for Charity

26 June 2024 | news

Frank Wainwright, the visionary behind the UK’s FMBE (Field Marketing and Brand Experience) Awards and magazine, is embarking on a 2-month, 2000-mile runner roadshow starting on July 1st.

Frank's Big Toe logo

His journey will take him to England’s 42 cathedral cities, all in support of the Brathay Trust, an organisation dedicated to inspiring young people to make positive changes in their lives.

TeamHaven is proud to support Frank’s Big Tour (Big TOE) by providing our technology to assist in event logistics and recording the event.

The TeamHaven Mobile app will help keep days on track by showing what’s happening that day, such as whether there is a themed fancy dress. It will also serve as a checklist and a tool for capturing and organising information and photos throughout the tour.

Click here to donate to Frank’s Big Tour.

Click here to follow along with Frank.

TeamHaven Mobile app showing tour days plotted on a map of the UK.

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